Try a self esteem worksheet for a quick and effective confidence boost.
Self-criticism is a human sport. For whatever reason, most of us are hard-wired to be pretty harsh to me, myself, and I. It probably has something to do with early survival in more primal environments. These days it mostly leads to anxiety and depression.
Fortunately, there are techniques shown to change the negative thought patterns that typically lead to difficult feelings about ourselves. These inspiring self-esteem worksheets and other activities can help you rewrite the harmful stories you tell to, and about, yourself.
1. Change Your Tune Self-Esteem Worksheet
We’re so used to hearing music in the background of shows and movies that we often don’t notice it. But our less conscious minds do. The sound can trigger excitement, fear, or even sentiment during sad or romantic scenes.
The Self-Esteem Worksheet called “Change Your Tune” uses this theme to help teach the idea of changing the soundtrack in your mind. Rather than negative songs, or stories, on repeat, we can replace them with more positive tunes.
This self-esteem worksheet includes activities for reflection and cognitive restructuring. It even includes an actual activity at the end to write a positive playlist with self-encouraging music. Download the Change Your Tune self-esteem worksheet.
2. Cultivating Self-Worth Worksheet
The Cultivating Self-Worth Worksheet uses the popular and effective “best friend” technique to challenge negative self-thoughts. Because we tend to beat up on ourselves, it helps to think of how we’d talk to someone we actually like.
What might you say to a good friend, or what might they say to you, when the other is criticizing themselves? By practicing with this technique you can learn how to change how you think about, or talk to, yourself.
3. Complimenting Scrapbook Self-Esteem Worksheet
The Complimenting Scrapbook Self-Esteem Worksheet includes fun activities to recognize positive things about yourself. It starts with brainstorming about positive experiences and feedback from your past.
From there you work into actually complimenting yourself, which is another way to change your inner thought patterns. The most fun part of the worksheet is an activity where you actually create a self-complementing, or encouraging, scrapbook. Positive affirmations are included! Get to complimenting yourself.
4. CBT Triangle Worksheet
This worksheet isn’t explicitly described as a self-esteem activity, however the effect is the same. In fact, most of CBT is based on the idea of changing negative thoughts about yourself and the world.
This Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) Triangle worksheet is designed to help you understand connections between thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Through a series of guided prompts, users can identify specific thoughts or beliefs that influence their emotions and subsequent actions.
By gaining insight into these patterns, you can begin to challenge and reshape your thinking, leading to healthier emotional responses and behaviors. The CBT Triangle worksheet offers a practical and structured approach to self-reflection and cognitive restructuring, empowering individuals to take an active role in managing their mental well-being.
5. Self Confidence Vision Board
Creating a vision board can be a powerful tool for enhancing self-esteem by visually representing your aspirations, goals, and desires. As you curate images, quotes, and symbols that resonate with your dreams and aspirations, you're actively affirming your worthiness and potential.
By focusing on what you want to achieve or manifest in your life, you're sending a message to yourself that you are capable and deserving of pursuing your dreams. As you engage in the creative process of arranging and designing your vision board, you're tapping into your imagination and intuition, fostering a sense of empowerment and self-belief.
6. Feelings Jenga Stickers
If you work with clients or students you might be familiar with the popular activity of Jenga prompts. You write or attach feelings words, questions, or prompts to Jenga blocks and discuss them as you play the game.
There are also pre-made Jenga prompt stickers that you can print out, including these self-esteem prompts. They’re a fun and easy activity you can use in sessions or even on your own.
7. Socializing more
Socializing can significantly contribute to boosting self-esteem by providing opportunities for positive social interactions, validation, and support from others. When we engage in meaningful connections with friends, family, or peers, we often receive affirmation, encouragement, and acceptance, which can bolster our sense of self-worth and belonging.
Sharing experiences, thoughts, and emotions with others fosters a sense of connection and belonging, reminding us that we are valued and appreciated within our social circles. To begin socializing more, look for community activities such as game groups, walking activities, political organizations, and other opportunities to meet people with similar interests.
8. Mindfulness Meditation Prompts
Mindfulness is a big buzzword these days, but it does have concrete, evidence-based benefits. Simply taking time to settle yourself and be aware of the moment can help you cope and feel more confident in everyday life.
Check out this set of easy mindfulness meditations based on muscle relaxation, creating a “safe space” and the relaxing leaves on a stream activity.
9. Inspiring Self-Help Books
I’m not ashamed to say that when I’m looking for a dose of encouragement I often go to inspiring self-help books. Among my favorites are You are a Bad*** by Jen Sincero, Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert, and the Lotus and the Lily by Janet Conner.
To find the best books for you, check out the self-development section of your local bookstore or library. If you’re not into the self-help genre there are also fictional books such as The Alchemist which offer inspiration in the form of a metaphor.
10. Coping Shuffle Card Game
Sometimes we have low confidence because we’re not sure how to deal with overwhelming situations. You may find yourself having intense reactions or emotions without knowing why.
Having a variety of self-soothing and other coping skills can help you feel more confident about taking on new situations. The Coping Shuffle card game is a non-threatening and fun way to explore effective coping skills.
Download the game to use with your clients or students. If you’re looking for skills to use on your own it may also be worth downloading and sorting through the prompts and cards.
11. Self-Esteem Journal
As we started out discussing, our minds tend to hold onto the negative things more than the positive. One way to reframe how you see yourself and the world is to keep a daily self-esteem journal.
This is similar to a gratitude journal, however I like this version better. Each evening or before you go to bed, write about one to three positive things that happen to you that day. It could be a big thing, like getting a new job, or as simple as someone letting you into a busy traffic lane. By reviewing and recognizing the positive experience you will intensify the emotional benefits.
12. Find Positive People
Surrounding yourself with individuals who uplift and support you fosters a sense of acceptance and validation. Positive people often offer encouragement, compliments, and constructive feedback, reinforcing your strengths and accomplishments while helping you navigate challenges.
Their optimism and resilience can inspire you to adopt a similar mindset, empowering you to face obstacles with confidence and perseverance. To begin to find such people, start with looking around in your life now. Who do you feel more happy to be around versus finding yourself discouraged? Just recognizing this can help you gravitate towards more positive peers.
13. Encouraging Aesthetics
Are you a person who enjoys those positive quote posters? You might find surrounding yourself with fun and encouraging quotes or inspiring artwork helpful. If nothing else, it’s a visual reminder of your own self worth and opportunities.
To begin, research positive mental health quotes, or browse Etsy for uplifting prints. You can add to the benefits by redecorating your environment with colors or symbols that make you feel your best.
14. Playing with Pets
Feel ready for a new family member? Or do you have a buddy already? Affectionate pets are a great place to ground yourself, while also being surrounded with unconditional love. Pets are often just happy to see us, not requiring us to be in any certain mood or to accomplish any goals. It’s a great lesson in unconditional self-acceptance.
15. Managing Anxiety Worksheet
Low self-esteem often brings anxiety. And vice versa, situational anxiety can lead to self esteem. Learning to cope with and reduce anxiety symptoms can help you to build confidence. This worksheet includes ideas and tips to create a customized plan you can refer to when you need it. Identify the skills that work best for you and outline a plan to use anytime you need it. Download the anxiety worksheet here.
16. Feelings Jenga
This set of prompts can be cut out and attached to Jenga blocks, or used as prompts in general to discuss emotions. Identifying and learning to accept and diffuse emotions when needed can help build your self-esteem.
The game features prompts across four categories: feeling words, discussing feelings, somatic experiencing, and coping skills for difficult feelings. Download the Jenga prompts here.
17. Self-Care Workbook
Self-care practices play a crucial role in nurturing and bolstering self-esteem. By prioritizing activities that promote physical, emotional, and mental well-being, individuals cultivate a sense of worthiness and self-respect.
Engaging in self-care rituals, whether it's through exercise, mindfulness, hobbies, or simply taking time for oneself, communicates a message of self-worth and validation. This self care workbook can help you explore your own values and build the foundation for increasing confidence and self acceptance.
18. Exploring Exercise
For some people, becoming more active can increase confidence. This can be especially true if the exercise is something enjoyable, like a sport you like or a previous habit you enjoyed such as running. If you’re interested in moving more consider all kinds of activities ranging from swimming to pickleball to golf. Most of all, find something that’s fun!
When your self esteem is already low it can be hard to imagine being more confident. Fortunately, there are many ways of feeling better about yourself, ranging from cognitive restructuring to trying new things.
If you’re looking to get started, check out our self-esteem worksheets and other activities!