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Looking for a fun, effective way to teach or learn mindfulness? Grounding stones are a great hands-on activity to use for relaxation and to manage symptoms of anxiety and PTSD. Save time while your students or group learn an effective skill!


Worksheets, Poster + Meditation

This ready-made activity includes a grounding stone worksheet, poster, and guided meditation. Help you clients learn mindfulness through this tangible activity.


This package is great for:

*Therapy sessions

*Group activities


*Campus events

*Employee wellness fairs

*Online and in-person

*Personal use!


Editable Files

The PDF files are also available as Canva templates, so you can update them for your group or event. Canva is a free and easy-to-use design program. (For your group only - not for resale.)



This kit includes:

*4-page PDF grounding stones worksheet

*Grounding stone instructions poster, available in 3 printable sizes (3 PDFs)

*Five-minute guided mindfulness activity (on using grounding stones - play it on YouTube)

*Canva files which you can edit, including the worksheet and posters



These files may be used for yourself and your organization (for clients, employees, groups, students, events). They are not for resale.


Download and Use Today!

Download these now and you can use them right away! All files are digital downloads. You will recieve a zipped file with 6 PDFs inside. There are no physical products. 

Grounding Stone Activity Kit


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