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Have Fun Practicing Coping Skills!

Coping Shuffle (previously called Therapy Shuffle) is a fun therapy card game focused on learning and discussing coping skills. The goal is to match up "goals" with "skills." As you collect and play your skills, you also respond to discussion prompts to reinforce them.


Example prompts include:

  • Describe a thought you (or someone else might have) that's not true. How can you practice noticing, but not believing, the thought?
  • Describe what it feels like in your body when you're relaxed. What's the difference in your body when you feel relaxed versus tense?
  • What does having a life purpose mean to you? Do you believe you have one?

    Discuss this idea.


Coping Shuffle is mostly geared towards teens and adults, but may be appropriate for some older kids. Just purchase, print, and start your Coping Shuffle!


Product Details

-1 PDF File

-53 Total Cards

-Cards include skill discussion prompts, along with other card functions for the game

-All store items are digital in PDF format. You'll be able to download them right away, and access a backup file in your email

-Use the chat function (bottom right of page) or e-mail with any questions before or after your purchase


Coping Shuffle | Therapy Card Game | Therapy Games | Coping Skills | PDF |


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